MeroGurukul Learning App


Mathematics Class 1
Multimedia Educational Learning APP
Nrs.  699.00/ 1 Year

Products Description

Details :

This product is based on e-learning concept of MeroGurukul with colorful, bright and attractive animations, along with simple and clear audio, making learning interactive, interesting, fun, easy and child friendly . The App covers the CDC curriculum.

The Learning App makes learning exciting and fun :

  1. Allowing children to explore their creativity with audio-visual activities pertaining to every lesson.
  2. Nurture children`s brain with picture gallery, glossary or jargons used anywhere in the course which is difficult to understand.
  3. emphasizing the concepts of learning scientifically, reasoning with fun using animations.
  4. Providing facts of the world, related to the subject for general awareness.
  5. Games and puzzles.

List Of Chapters Covered
1. Comparison
a Comparison of length ( Longer / Shorter)
b Comparison of height ( Taller / Shorter )
c Comparison of thickness ( Thinner / Thicker)
2. Shapes
a Solid Shapes : Cuboid, Cube, Cylinder and Sphare
b Straight and curved lines
c Simple geomatric shapes : Triangle , Square and Rectangle
3. Number upto 10
a Comparison of Quality
b Numbers and number name
c Order of numbers
d Devnagri numbers
e Comparison of numbers using <, > or =
f After, Before and Between
g Addition
h Subtraction
i Ordinal number
4. Numbers 10 to 100
a Ones and Tens
b Addition of tens
c Numbers 11 to 30
d Numbers 30 to 99
e Odd and Even numbers
5. Addition
a Addition of two - digit numbers (without carry over )
b Problems on Addition
6. Subtraction
a Subtraction from tens
b Subtraction of two digit numbers
c Problems on Subtraction
7. Multiplication
a Multiplication of one digit numbers up to 5
b Multiplication by zero
c Simple problems on multiplications
8. Division
a Division of number up to 50
b Division of zero by a number
9. Money, Time and Measurement
a Time ( hour, day, week, month and year)
b Money
c Distance
d Capacity
e Weight
10. Fraction
a Fractions 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 ( Half, One Third and One Fourth)
11. Pictograph
a Pictograph
12. Sets
a Grouping the objects
b Odd one out